Hawks are majestic birds of prey known for their sharp vision and hunting skills. Their powerful wings and impressive speed make them one of nature’s top predators. Around the world, hawks are given various names depending on their species and characteristics. These names often reflect their strength, beauty, or hunting abilities.
Each hawk has a unique name that captures its essence. From the Red-tailed Hawk to the Cooper’s Hawk, these names tell a story of survival and agility. Curious about how these birds earned their names? Let’s explore the fascinating world of hawk names!
Good Hawk Names with Meaning
- Aetherclaw → Aethclaw
- Zephyrwing → Zephwing
- Blazecrest → Blazcrest
- Skywarden → Skyworn
- Thundertalon → Thundertal
- Emberflight → Emberfly
- Stormshadow → Stormshad
- Goldenswoop → Goldswoop
- Dawnrider → Dawnrid
- Ironbeak → Ironb
- Swiftflare → Swiflare
- Nightwing → Nightwing
- Vortexclaw → Vortclaw
- Falconspark → Falcspark
- Sundancer → Sundanc
- Froststrike → Froststrik
- Ironwing → Ironw
- Ashenflare → Ashflare
- Velocisight → Velosight
- Ravenshadow → Ravshadow
Funny Hawk Names
- Claws McFly
- Flapjack
- Sir Talon-a-lot
- Beaky McBeakface
- Wingnut
- Hawkward
- Featherlock Holmes
- Sir Flapsalot
- Talonious Monk
- Skywalker McFly
- Wingin’ It
- The Great Flapdini
- Captain Clutch
- Hawkward Silence
- Fluffy McHawkface
- The Talonator
- Peck Norris
- Hootie Hawk
- Chirpzilla
- Sir Wing-a-lot
Also Read: 520+ Best Eagle Names:Cute And Catchy – Flipo Magazine
Male Hawk Names
- Steelclaw
- Shadowstrike
- Blazewing
- Skyhunter
- Thunderbeak
- Ironflight
- Stormfeather
- Swiftstrike
- Fangstorm
- Ravenclaw
- Windrider
- Nighttalon
- Flashbeak
- Emberwing
- Skyfury
- Ironwind
- Stormshadow
- Sharpwing
- Viperclaw
- Silverbeak
Hawk Female Names

- Astrawing
- Emberclaw
- Skyflare
- Misttalon
- Velociswift
- Shadowfeather
- Solara
- Dawnstrike
- Silverwing
- Stormbreeze
- Lilacflight
- Frostclaw
- Velocilash
- Windwhisper
- Thunderswoop
- Sablehawk
- Glittertalon
- Blazeheart
- Crimsonwing
- Hawkrise
Names for Baby Hawk
- Peepwing
- Flufftail
- Skybud
- MiniTalon
- Swiftchirp
- Featherling
- Windpuff
- Lil’ Swoop
- Cloudclaw
- Pipwing
- Flarefly
- Nestling
- Tinystrike
- Stormlet
- Brightbeak
- Chirpstar
- Breezelet
- Hatchwing
- Talonette
- Skyblossom
Hawk Names in Mythology
- Zephyros – After the Greek god of the west wind, symbolizing swift flight.
- Ra’kai – Inspired by the Egyptian sun god Ra, representing power and vision.
- Valkyris – A nod to the Norse Valkyries, fierce and powerful warriors.
- Tenguclaw – Derived from the Tengu, mythical bird-like creatures in Japanese folklore.
- Horakh – Inspired by Horus, the Egyptian god with the head of a hawk.
- Apollo’s Wing – A name linked to Apollo, the Greek god of the sun and prophecy.
- Icarus Talon – From the Greek myth of Icarus, symbolizing flight and freedom.
- Quetzalwing – Inspired by Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs.
- Aetherclaw – A reference to Aether, the primordial god of the upper air in Greek mythology.
- Calypshawk – Inspired by Calypso, a nymph in Greek mythology, often associated with transformation.
- Huginflap – A nod to the Norse god Odin’s ravens, Hugin and Munin, symbolizing knowledge.
- Borealiswing – After Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind, representing cold strength.
- Rocshadow – From the mythological Roc, a giant bird in Middle Eastern and Asian folklore.
- Arachnebeak – A name inspired by Arachne, the weaver turned into a spider, symbolizing agility.
- Fenriswing – A reference to Fenrir, the monstrous wolf from Norse mythology, known for its strength.
- Atalantaflap – Inspired by Atalanta, a Greek huntress and swift runner, embodying speed.
- Morriganclaw – Named after the Celtic goddess of war and fate, often depicted as a raven or crow.
- Anubiswing – A blend of Anubis, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, symbolizing mystery and power.
- Lokiwing – Inspired by Loki, the trickster god from Norse mythology, symbolizing cleverness and agility.
- Eosflare – After Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn, symbolizing new beginnings and light.
DnD Hawk Name Ideas
- Talondar
- Skystrider
- Zephyrus
- Furyclaw
- Aeronis
- Emberwing
- Dawnfeather
- Stormflare
- Shadowtalon
- Thunderswoop
- Windrune
- Brightwing
- Cinderstrike
- Grimbeak
- Frostflight
- Ironbeak
- Sylphwing
- Wyrmclaw
- Blightwing
- Celestia
Famous Hawk Names with Origin
- Horus – Egyptian mythology, the sky god often depicted as a hawk, symbolizing kingship and protection.
- Zephyr – Greek origin, named after the god of the west wind, associated with speed and flight.
- Falco – Latin origin, meaning “hawk,” commonly used in ancient Rome to refer to birds of prey.
- Tengusou – Japanese mythology, named after the Tengu, mythical creatures with bird-like features.
- Skylark – Old English origin, combining “sky” with “lark,” often associated with freedom and beauty.
- Eagleton – Old English origin, blending “eagle” and “ton,” meaning “settlement of the eagle,” symbolizing strength.
- Roc – Middle Eastern and Asian mythology, a giant bird of prey, often referenced in folklore and epic tales.
- Ashwings – Derived from Indian mythology, referencing birds that were part of divine beings like the Ashvins.
- Valkyrie – Norse mythology, inspired by the warrior maidens who often took the form of birds of prey.
- Aquila – Latin origin, meaning “eagle,” used in Roman times as a symbol of the Roman legions.
- Harpy – Greek mythology, female creatures with the body of a bird and the face of a woman, known for their fierce nature.
- Merlin – Latin origin, a name used for a small hawk, often associated with magic and mystery in medieval tales.
- Falconer – Old French origin, referring to someone who trains hawks, symbolizing connection to birds of prey.
- Hawksley – Old English origin, meaning “hawk’s meadow,” a place where hawks are found, symbolizing agility.
- Cyndal – Welsh origin, referencing “cyn,” meaning “hawk,” symbolizing nobility and strength.
- Kestrel – Old French and Medieval Latin origins, named after a small, agile hawk that hovers while hunting.
- Ravenclaw – A combination of “raven” and “claw,” originating from medieval heraldry, symbolizing wisdom and intelligence.
- Barbary – Refers to the Barbary falcon, native to North Africa, often symbolizing exotic beauty and agility.
- Peregrine – Latin origin, meaning “wanderer,” named after the peregrine falcon, known for its long migrations.
- Gyrfalcon – Old Norse origin, referring to a large falcon often associated with royalty and the pursuit of greatness.
Badass Hawk Names

- Ironclaw
- Ravenstrike
- Thunderwing
- Blazeclaw
- Stormbeak
- Shadowtalon
- Steelstrike
- Frostfang
- Viperbeak
- Skyrage
- Nightslash
- Emberflare
- Wolfwing
- Bloodtalon
- Tempestclaw
- Darkflame
- Nightstrike
- Savagewing
- Ironflap
- Vortexclaw
Native American Hawk Names
- WíyakA – Sioux for “hawk,” symbolizing strength and vision.
- Tashina – Lakota name meaning “life,” representing the hawk’s role in nature.
- Ahyoka – Cherokee for “she brought happiness,” symbolizing freedom and joy in flight.
- Ptesáŋwi – Lakota for “bird of prey,” a strong and commanding name.
- Sakima – Lenape for “chief,” perfect for a hawk that rules the skies.
- Kitchi – Ojibwe for “brave,” a fitting name for a fierce hawk.
- Takoda – Sioux for “friend to everyone,” symbolizing the hawk’s wide reach and vision.
- WíyakAŋ – Sioux for “large hawk,” a powerful and imposing name.
- Nizhoni – Navajo for “beautiful,” reflecting the hawk’s graceful appearance.
- Mika – Navajo for “intelligent,” symbolizing the hawk’s keen mind and sharp vision.
- Zitkála – Lakota for “bird,” representing the hawk’s natural spirit.
- Nayati – Navajo for “he who wrestles,” symbolizing the hawk’s strength and agility in battle.
- Chumani – Lakota for “mist,” representing the hawk flying through the morning haze.
- Talonka – Sioux for “great talon,” reflecting the hawk’s mighty grip.
- Ahe – Hopi for “hawk,” representing both strength and spiritual significance.
- Sihu – Zuni for “bird of prey,” signifying a fierce and noble hawk.
- Wapi – Lakota for “lucky,” symbolizing the hawk’s precision and success in hunting.
- Onacano – Cherokee for “wise bird,” reflecting the hawk’s sharp vision and knowledge.
- Zuniya – Zuni for “bird,” embodying the hawk’s connection to the spirit world.
- Tawa – Hopi for “sun,” symbolizing the hawk’s power and strength, rising above all.
Clever Names for Hawk
- Sharpwind
- Mindflap
- Quickstrike
- Talonverse
- Featherbyte
- Swiftglide
- Skywhisper
- Cleverwing
- Beakstorm
- Slytalon
- Flashfeather
- Windsharp
- Glidewise
- Skyforge
- Blazeclaw
- Stealthflight
- Vigilwing
- Windchaser
- Airtalon
- Focuswing
Hawk Names in Other Languages
- Águila – Spanish for “eagle,” symbolizing strength and power.
- Buitre – Spanish for “buzzard,” a sharp-eyed bird of prey.
- Faucon – French for “falcon,” a swift and noble bird.
- Aquila – Italian for “eagle,” signifying a regal and majestic creature.
- Harfang – French for “snowy owl,” perfect for a hawk that thrives in the cold.
- Gierfalke – German for “gerfalcon,” representing royalty and skill.
- Jaktfalk – Swedish for “hunting falcon,” ideal for a fierce and clever bird.
- Chouette – French for “owl,” representing wisdom and stealth.
- Kondor – Turkish for “condor,” symbolizing strength and leadership in the skies.
- Tōrō – Japanese for “hawk,” representing sharp vision and keen hunting skills.
- Falco – Latin for “falcon,” often associated with speed and agility.
- Águia-real – Portuguese for “golden eagle,” symbolizing royalty and grace.
- Wüstenbussard – German for “desert buzzard,” symbolizing endurance and survival.
- Buitrón – Spanish for “large buzzard,” signifying powerful presence.
- Adler – German for “eagle,” a name symbolizing dominance and vision.
- Hawke – Old English for “hawk,” representing a traditional and mighty bird of prey.
- Gerfalko – Esperanto for “gerfalcon,” known for precision and strength.
- Sarcoramphus – Latin for “king vulture,” representing a rare and powerful predator.
- Tijereta – Spanish for “shrike,” symbolizing stealth and precision.
- Uhu – German for “eagle owl,” perfect for a hawk with sharp vision and a silent approach.
Best Hawk Name Ideas
- Blazeclaw
- Stormflare
- Skystrike
- Ironwing
- Emberhawk
- Swiftstorm
- Shadowbeak
- Vortexwing
- Thunderswoop
- Firetail
- Cinderclaw
- Nightwhisper
- Silverflight
- Falconsoul
- Skyshard
- Windlance
- Falconshade
- Stormclaw
- Crimsonbeak
- Glorywing
Unique Hawk Names

- Velociflight
- Stormwinger
- Talonflare
- Skyseeker
- Viperbeak
- Aetherclaw
- Blazewing
- Shadowstrike
- Frosttalon
- Windcrash
- Emberflare
- Ironfeather
- Hawksworn
- Nightsoar
- Thundershadow
- Silverclaw
- Swiftshard
- Stormfury
- Flarewing
- Crimsonflap
Nicknames For Hawk
- Skyblade
- Flapjack
- Talonstrike
- Windrider
- Thunderbeak
- Swiftclaw
- Skyflash
- Frostwing
- Stormhawk
- Beakster
- Wingstorm
- Flarebeak
- Hawkheart
- Featherstorm
- Nightwing
- Ironflap
- Clawson
- Skyhunter
- Emberclaw
- Whisperwing
Cool Hawk Names
- Blazeclaw
- Nightstrike
- Viperwing
- Silverhawk
- Stormfeather
- Frosttalon
- Skyflare
- Ironwing
- Thunderstrike
- Swiftshadow
- Emberwing
- Shadewing
- Flareclaw
- Windslash
- Skyblaze
- Crimsonwing
- Falconfire
- Gliderunner
- Talonrush
- Razorbeak
Color-Inspired Hawk Names
- Crimsonwing
- Goldenflap
- Silverbeak
- Ebonyclaw
- Ivorystrike
- Ashflight
- Copperstorm
- Sapphiretalon
- Emeraldwing
- Obsidianbeak
- Onyxflare
- Rubyhawk
- Bronzeclaw
- Pearlwing
- Cobaltshadow
- Azurewing
- Topaztalon
- Lavenderstrike
- Opalflap
- Jetwing
Food-Inspired Hawk Names

- Honeyclaw
- Cinnamonwing
- Maplebeak
- Peachstrike
- Berryflap
- Nutmegwing
- Pumpkinbeak
- Almondtalon
- Gingerflame
- Mochawing
- Chocolatetail
- Vanillaflap
- Caramelclaw
- Coconutbeak
- Applestrike
- Peanutwing
- Butterscotchbeak
- Strawberrytail
- Limeflap
- Pineapplewing
Hawk name generator
- Stormflare
- Shadowstrike
- Thunderwing
- Emberclaw
- Vortexbeak
- Frosttalon
- Crimsonwing
- Skyshadow
- Ironbeak
- Windwhisper
- Blazeclaw
- Silverflight
- Swiftbeak
- Nightstorm
- Talonblaze
- Skyflare
- Furywing
- Galeclaw
- Stormfeather
- Ravenwing
Girl names that mean hawk
- Aquila – Latin for “eagle,” symbolizing strength and vision.
- Hawka – A direct, unique variation of “hawk,” reflecting agility and power.
- Shaela – Derived from Old Norse, meaning “hawk’s flight.”
- Tala – Native American for “stalking wolf,” connected with the hunting prowess of a hawk.
- Zella – A name meaning “hawk-like,” strong and determined.
- Akira – Japanese origin, meaning “bright” or “hawk,” symbolizing sharp vision.
- Fiera – Spanish origin, meaning “wild” or “untamed,” perfect for a hawk’s independent spirit.
- Sahira – Arabic origin, meaning “alert” or “watchful,” much like a hawk’s keen perception.
- Aylen – Mapuche origin, meaning “clear,” symbolic of the hawk’s sharp eyesight.
- Orah – Hebrew origin, meaning “light” or “to shine,” reflecting a hawk’s ability to soar in the sky.
- Orla – Irish origin, meaning “golden princess,” symbolizing the regal nature of a hawk.
- Raika – A Japanese name meaning “good fortune,” inspired by the hawk’s freedom and strength.
- Varsha – Indian origin, meaning “rain,” symbolizing the hawk’s presence after a storm.
- Harika – Turkish origin, meaning “extraordinary,” reflecting the hawk’s exceptional abilities.
- Saka – A Native American name meaning “hawk,” representing keen vision and strength.
- Nyssa – Greek origin, meaning “goal,” inspired by a hawk’s pursuit and determination.
- Zora – Slavic origin, meaning “dawn,” symbolizing the hawk’s awakening and soaring at first light.
- Vayla – A variation on “vaya,” meaning “hawk” in certain languages, for a powerful and graceful name.
- Bodhi – Sanskrit origin, meaning “awakening,” reflecting the clear vision and awareness of a hawk.
- Tira – A name with roots in both Hebrew and Native American languages, meaning “hawk-eyed” or “watchful.”
Brown spotted hawk
- Brindlebeak
- Spottail
- Mottledflight
- Hazelclaw
- Copperstrike
- Dustshadow
- Patchwing
- Rustfeather
- Siennaflare
- Oakspike
- Mosswing
- Bramblebeak
- Cedarclaw
- Umberwing
- Pecanstrike
- Maplefeather
- Buckthorn
- Chestnutwing
- Bristlebeak
- Earthflap
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Norse name means hawk?
The Norse name “Hrafn” translates to “raven” but is often associated with hawks due to the bird of prey symbolism in Norse mythology.
What are other names for hawks?
Other names for hawks include falcons, kestrels, eagles, and buzzards, all categorized under birds of prey.
What is a hawk in slang?
In slang, a “hawk” can refer to a person who aggressively sells or promotes something, especially a product or service.
What is hawk baby called?
A baby hawk is called an “eyas” or “chick,” which is used for many birds of prey.
What is a hawk’s cry called?
A hawk’s cry is typically called a “scream” or “shriek,” often high-pitched and piercing.
Hawk names are often inspired by their powerful traits, such as speed, strength, and sharp vision. These names can be based on colors, mythology, or nature, making them unique and meaningful. Whether you’re looking for names that reflect fierceness or elegance, there’s a wide variety to choose from. Popular categories include names like Talon, Sky, and Ember, each evoking a sense of freedom and agility. Ultimately, a hawk’s name should capture its majestic presence and bold character.